Thank You!


I would like to say a big thank you to the following, for their help in getting me where I am today.

Firstly to my husband Tony, for his support from the day he was told I might not survive.  His help in getting me back into the basics of running and his honesty when he thinks I am not doing so well! Finally, for all the hours he has spent putting this website together for me!

My family for their love and support.

To the Critical Care Team and Lynher ward at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth.

The Disablement Services Centre, Plymouth, especially my prosthetist, Clayton Smith.

Naso Shemetras for her generosity and believing in my abilities, even when I didn’t!

Julian Wills for taking on the challenge and enabling me to achieve my ultimate goal since becoming an amputee – to run!

Thanks to Brian Westmore for the photographs and videos of me on this site.

For monetary donations which have been used to achieve my goal, and to finance this website, thereby helping other amputees who want to run, and, finally, thank you to Kate Fathers, physiotherapist at the Fay Pedlar clinic for fixing me when it all goes pear-shaped!

There are countless others, who have wished me well and encouraged me, and to all of those, a big thank you.


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